Attribute VB_Name = "FileSystem" 'Patrick O'Beirne, Systems Modelling Ltd 'pob at ' ' ' 't: @ExcelAnalytics 'VBA code for using the Filesystem object to replace the old VB functions ' like Dir() that do not work with Unicode file names ' Option Explicit Option Private Module Private Const SUCCESS As Long = 0 Private Const MAX_PATH As Long = 260 Private Const T_ALL_XL As String = "All Excel files (*.xl*), *.xl*" '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Windows API declarations for VBA7 Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetCurrentDirectoryW Lib "kernel32" (ByVal nBufferLength As Long, ByVal lpBuffer As String) As Long Private Declare PtrSafe Function SetCurrentDirectoryW Lib "kernel32" (ByVal lpBuffer As String) As Long 'Open file for Binary raises err 52 for Unicode file or folder names 'Dir(), Filelen(), FileDateTime() cannot handle them either 'The File System Object can read only ASCII or Unicode text files. 'You cannot use it to read or write UTF-8 encoded text files. ' These functions are usable with Unicode file names Function GetCurDir() As String ' WinAPI to replace CurDir for Unicode folder names Dim lBuffer As Long, sBuffer As String sBuffer = String(MAX_PATH * 2, 0) lBuffer = GetCurrentDirectoryW(MAX_PATH * 2, sBuffer) sBuffer = StrConv(sBuffer, vbFromUnicode) GetCurDir = Left$(sBuffer, lBuffer) End Function Function ChPath(sPath As String) As Long On Error Resume Next If Mid$(sPath, 2, 1) = ":" Then ChDrive Left$(sPath, 2) End If SetCurDir sPath ' to replace ChDir sPath. Changes both drive and path if necessary, no ChDrive needed ChPath = Err.Number End Function Function SetCurDir(path As String) As Long ' replace ChDir for Unicode, ChDirW. Use ChPath to be safe SetCurDir = SetCurrentDirectoryW(StrConv(path, vbUnicode)) ' WinAPI returns 1 if works, 0 if error End Function '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' FileSystemObject functions Function NewFSO() As Object Set NewFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") End Function ' 'FileSystemObject provides a non-hierarchical structure to manipulate, read, and create ASCII and Unicode text files. ' neither of these two next compile, get Method or data member not found ' Set NewFSO = Scripting.FileSystemObject ' Set NewFSO = IWshRuntimeLibrary.FileSystemObject 'Windows Script Host Object Model C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wshom.ocx ' use this instead of DIR$() which cannot handle Unicode file names, throws err 52 Bad file name or number Function GetFSOFile(FilePath As String, oFSOFile As Object) As Long ' only for local X:\dir\file.xls or \\net\dir\file.xls, not http: etc ' fso.getfile throws err 53 file not found if it's not local On Error Resume Next Set oFSOFile = Nothing Set oFSOFile = NewFSO().GetFile(FilePath) GetFSOFile = Err.Number End Function Function FileExists(ByVal Pathname As String) As Boolean ' to replace DIR(name)>"" for files only, not wildcards, not folders Dim oFSOFile As Object FileExists = GetFSOFile(Pathname, oFSOFile) = SUCCESS End Function Function FolderExists(ByVal Pathname As String) As Boolean ' for folders, to replace DIR(name,vbDirectory) Dim oFSOFile As Object FolderExists = GetFSOFolder(Pathname, oFSOFile) = SUCCESS End Function ' these simple functions wrap the FSOFile properties for compatibility ' but it might be cleaner to switch old code calling (eg) FileLen to use FSOFile.Size Function GetPathAndName(ByVal FullName As String, ByRef path As String, ByRef name As String) As Long ' get the path and name parts Dim oFSOFile As Object ' ADODB.File GetPathAndName = GetFSOFile(FullName, oFSOFile) If GetPathAndName = SUCCESS Then path = oFSOFile.parentfolder.path name = End If End Function Public Function FileSize(ByVal filename As String) As Double ' to replace FileLen() Dim oFSOFile As Object If GetFSOFile(filename, oFSOFile) = SUCCESS Then FileSize = oFSOFile.Size End If End Function Public Function FileDateModified(ByVal filename As String) As Double ' to replace FileDateTime() Dim oFSOFile As Object If GetFSOFile(filename, oFSOFile) = SUCCESS Then FileDateModified = oFSOFile.datemodified End If End Function Function CopyFile(ByVal filename As String, ByVal CopyName As String) As Long ' to replace VBA.FileCopy "x","y" On Error Resume Next NewFSO().CopyFile filename, CopyName CopyFile = Err.Number End Function Function RenameFile(ByVal oldName As String, ByVal newName As String) As Long ' to replace VBA.Name "x" As "y" On Error Resume Next NewFSO().movefile oldName, newName RenameFile = Err.Number End Function Function DeleteFile(ByVal Pathname As String) As Long ' aka KillFile to replace VBA.Kill If FileExists(Pathname) Then SetFileAttributes Pathname, vbNormal End If On Error Resume Next NewFSO().DeleteFile Pathname DeleteFile = Err.Number ' eg 70=Permission denied End Function ' Windows API has GetTempFileName Function GetTempName(ByRef TempName As String) As Long On Error Resume Next TempName = NewFSO().GetTempName ' does NOT create the file. returns a name like radBE37A.tmp GetTempName = Err.Number End Function Function GetTempFullName(ByRef tempFullName As String) As Long On Error Resume Next With NewFSO() tempFullName = .GetSpecialFolder(2) & Application.PathSeparator & .GetTempName End With ' does NOT create the file. returns a name like C:\Users\Patrick\AppData\Local\Temp\rad9C3F3.tmp GetTempFullName = Err.Number End Function Function GetFSOFolder(FolderPath As String, oFSOFolder As Object) As Long ' returns 0=success ' only for local X:\dir\file.xls or \\net\dir\file.xls, not http: etc ' fso.getfile throws err 53 file not found if it's not local On Error Resume Next Set oFSOFolder = Nothing Set oFSOFolder = NewFSO().GetFolder(FolderPath) GetFSOFolder = Err.Number End Function Function CreateFolder(ByVal Pathname As String) As Long ' to replace MkDir On Error Resume Next NewFSO().CreateFolder Pathname CreateFolder = Err.Number End Function Function DeleteFolder(ByVal Pathname As String) As Long ' to replace RmDir On Error Resume Next NewFSO().DeleteFolder Pathname DeleteFolder = Err.Number End Function Function GetFileAttributes(sFile As String) As Long ' replace GetAttr for Unicode 'GetFileAttributes = GetFileAttributesW(StrPtr(sFile)) Dim oFSOFile As Object If GetFSOFile(sFile, oFSOFile) = SUCCESS Then GetFileAttributes = oFSOFile.Attributes End If End Function Function SetFileAttributes(sFile As String, lAttrib As Long) As Long ' replace SetAttr for Unicode 'SetFileAttributes = SetFileAttributesW(StrPtr(sFile), CLngPtr(lAttrib)) Dim oFSOFile As Object SetFileAttributes = GetFSOFile(sFile, oFSOFile) If SetFileAttributes = SUCCESS Then ' 0=success oFSOFile.Attributes = lAttrib End If End Function ' A file can be either compressed or encrypted, not both. ' indexing service which runs at SYSTEM level locks un-indexed files for 1-5 minutes and gives err=5 access denied ' ' ' 'Constant Value Description 'Normal 0 Normal file. No attributes are set. 'ReadOnly 1 Read-only file. Attribute is read/write. 'Hidden 2 Hidden file. Attribute is read/write. 'System 4 System file. Attribute is read/write. 'Volume 8 Disk drive volume label. Attribute is read-only. 'Directory 16 Folder or directory. Attribute is read-only. 'Archive 32 File has changed since last backup. Attribute is read/write. 'Alias 64 Link or shortcut. Attribute is read-only. (Device?) 'Compressed 128 Compressed file. Attribute is read-only. (Now Normal?) Function FileAttrString(fa As Long, Optional strPad As String = vbNullString) As String FileAttrString = _ IIf(fa And 1, "R", strPad) _ & IIf(fa And 2, "H", strPad) _ & IIf(fa And 4, "S", strPad) _ & IIf(fa And 8, "V", strPad) _ & IIf(fa And 16, "D", strPad) _ & IIf(fa And 32, "A", strPad) _ & IIf(fa And 64, "L", strPad) _ & IIf(fa And 128, " ", vbNullString) _ & IIf(fa And 256, "t", vbNullString) _ & IIf(fa And 512, "s", vbNullString) _ & IIf(fa And 1024, "r", vbNullString) _ & IIf(fa And 2048, "c", vbNullString) _ & IIf(fa And 4096, "o", vbNullString) _ & IIf(fa And 8192, "n", vbNullString) _ & IIf(fa And 16384, "e", vbNullString) _ & IIf(fa And 32768, "d", vbNullString) End Function Function GetOpenFilenameStr(Optional FileFilter As String = T_ALL_XL, Optional FilterIndex As Long = 1, _ Optional Title As String = "Select", Optional ButtonText As String = "Open", _ Optional MultiSelect As Boolean = False) As String 'ButtonText Optional Variant Macintosh only, Windows always "Open" Dim vFileName As Variant vFileName = Application.GetOpenFilename(FileFilter, FilterIndex, Title, ButtonText, MultiSelect) If Not vFileName = False Then GetOpenFilenameStr = vFileName End If End Function