' Save this as encode.vbs on your desktop, double-click to run. ' Type or copy an email address into the input box and copy the result into the HTML of your document. Dim Input, i,output input = "mailto:you@my.com" ' example shown next as illustration output = "mailto:you@my.com" do Input = InputBox("Enter text to encode", "HTML obscurer from www.sysmod.com", input ) if len(input) > 0 then ' 0 len if Cancel pressed in Inputbox output = "" for i = 1 to len(input) output = output & "&#" & asc(mid(input,i,1)) next output = InputBox( "Ctrl+C to Copy to Clipboard","Encoded result", output ) end if loop until len(input)=0 or len(output)=0 ' requires VB Script runtime, downloadable from Microsoft if not pre-installed in Windows. ' Obtained from Patrick O'Beirne, Systems Modelling Ltd, http://www.sysmod.com