Articles, papers, presentations

Controlling Spreadsheets: Motivation and Methodology. My paper to EuroCACS16 in Dublin

VBA in the FUSE spreadsheet corpus. My presentation to Eusprig 2015 found that most of the FUSE spreadsheets are of no interest to me in formula error research. Of 249,376 files, 12,854 (5.15%) have formulas, 472 of them had unique VBA content, and they have a range of typically 10 to 2000 lines of code.

Excel 2013 Inquire add-in.

My review for Eusprig 2013 compares it to commercial auditing tools. Inquire in Excel 2013 is very much a version 1.0 as there are quite a few shortcomings. In particular, it lists formulas individually rather than by distinct formulas (ie a block of one formula copied).

Unsolved spreadsheet problems - People, Process and Technology. Eusprig 2012 presentation focused on possible directions for future research into process improvement and change management.

Controlling Spreadsheets: Motivation and Methodology. My paper to EuroCACS11

  • outlines concerns about risks from the uncontrolled use of spreadsheet-based information systems.
  • presents real statistics on error rates to help you make the case for better control.
  • describes good practices for error detection, correction, and prevention.
  • covers how to assess risk in the context of spreadsheet criticality, and a process of high level and detailed reviews.
  • reviews software tools on the market to facilitate the audit process.

Spreadsheet Refactoring Eusprig 2010

Checks and Controls in Spreadsheets Eusprig 2009

Information and Data Quality in Spreadsheets Eusprig 2008

Facing the Facts (A Software Quality view of Spreadsheets) Eusprig 2007

Agile Spreadsheet Development (ASD) 2003 article for

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