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PraxIS newsletter contents for 2005-2006
Index to current year issues is at
Contents for 2003-2004 are at
Contents for 2000-2002 are at
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Patrick O'Beirne, Editor
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December 2006
1) Risk & Security
New vulnerabilities in Microsoft Word
UK NHS IT Plan: £12Bn at risk?
Creeping errors
2) IE7
Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage
3) Marketing
Killer Web Content - new book
Social Networking websites questioned
4) Spreadsheets
Tip: Identify missing input values
The Long and Winding Formula
Yet more error reports in the news
5) Off Topic
Cartoon: when the only tool you have is a hammer....
18 Web links in this newsletter
November 2006
1) Human Error
"We don't make those kind of mistakes here"
Book review: 'Human Error', James Reason
2) Information Quality
IRM UK Data Management and Information Quality conference
3) Software Testing
Testing Accessibility and Performance
4) Spreadsheets
Updates on the Eusprig web site
5) Off Topic
eVoting cartoon
18 Web links in this newsletter
October 20061) Risk & Security
Euro conversion looms again
Testing software and electronic calculators
Stock spam pays off if they're quick
2) Data Quality
Review of Tufte's 'The Visual Display of Quantitative
European DM+IQ conference, London, Oct 30-Nov 23) Spreadsheets
Excel 2007 databars misrepresent zero
More rave reviews and more downloads for 'Spreadsheet Check
and Control'
Free books on Excel
4) Off Topic
C More or Less10 Web links in this newsletter
September 2006
1) Risk & Security
Controlled databases leak via spreadsheets
Free Security Engineering Textbook
BS 7799.2:2002 Audit Check List for SANS
Securing Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition
2) Software Quality Assurance
Mark Fewster on Test automation
Harry Robinson on Model-Based Testing
3) Spreadsheets
Online MS Office tests - different styles
Excel Charts - old and new techniques
Bonus materials for owners of 'Spreadsheet Check and Control'
4) Off Topic
If Tech Companies Made Sudoku
O'Beirne's Cube and Its Origins
18 Web links in this newsletter
August 2006
1) Risk & Security
Poisoned data and code
2) Software quality
What is an error?
3) Quality and Testing events
European DM/IQ conference
SoftTest Ireland, afternoon 5th Sept: Test automation, Model Based Testing
4) Spreadsheets
Eusprig 2006 Conference, Cambridge, UK, July 5-7
London Excel User Conference July 19-21
Bonus materials for owners of 'Spreadsheet Check and Control'
5) Off Topic
Unusual articles on Wikipedia
21 Web links in this newsletter
July 2006
1) Risk & Security
Security Breaches Pandemic
2) Software quality
Joel Spolsky talks about his first design review with Bill
3) European affairs
.eu domain land rush may pay off for some
GGPhi, a Low-Cost, Low-Power Galileo/GPS Carrier Phase
IT Skills Certification: EUCIP and SkillsCert
4) Spreadsheets
Bonus materials for owners of 'Spreadsheet Check
and Control'
Eusprig 2006 Conference, Cambridge, UK, July 5-7
London Excel User Conference July 19-21
5) Off Topic
Singing in the heatwave
The apt quote
17 Web links in this newsletter
June 2006
1) Risk & Security
Software asset management becomes an ISO standard
Software asset management tempts salespeople
Records management and data retention policies
Individual differences in risk and uncertainty
2) Software Testing
Career Development for Software Testers, Rightsourcing
3) Spreadsheets
Office 2007 Beta 2 available
New Microsoft whitepaper on spreadsheet compliance and
World Cup Fever targeted by virus writers
Are you tracking the Excel Knowledgebase?
Eusprig 2006 Conference, Cambridge, UK, July 5-7, 2006
Google Spreadsheets
4) Off Topic
Newsletter on personal effectiveness
14 Web links in this newsletter
May 2006
1) Risk & Security
Microsoft April Patch problems
Security Awareness Yahoogroup
Open Information Systems Security Assessment Framework
Draft 0.2
2) Quality
Unconscious Incompetence
Grumpy IT Managers
3) ICT news in Ireland
Irish National Developers Conference 2006
ICS Conferences at ICT Expo
4) Spreadsheets
Eusprig 2006 Conference, Cambridge, UK, July 5-7, 2006
Reviews: Spreadsheet Check and Control - " a unique book"
ScanXLS user feedback
5) Off Topic
Tippling and Taxes
16 Web links in this newsletter
April 2006
1) Risk & Security
BCS on the Computer Misuse Act 1990 / 2006
.eu domain landrush 'fiasco'
2) Software testing quality
SoftTest Ireland - on SOX and Skills
Certification of Software Testers
3) European research
Satellite Research Interest
Galileo, the European Satellite Navigation System
4) Spreadsheets
UK Excel User Conference - July 19-21, 2006
5) Off Topic
Cartography dream realized
20 Web links in this newsletter
March 2006
1) Risk & Security
90% of mail sent to is spam
Metadata - electronic fingerprints
Data Protection: guidance for (non-IT) professionals
Guidance for Small Business on Fraud threat
2) Business Continuity
Webcasts on Business Continuity Management (BCM) and IT
Emergency Planning & Bird Flu
Europeans get nervous of flu surge
3) Informatics for Development
Wireless Networking in the Developing World - free e-book
4) Spreadsheets
More spreadsheet errors in the news
5) Off Topic
The Apple Intel ad reloaded
20 Web links in this newsletter
February 2006
1) Risk & Security
Grey area
Article on security for Small to Medium Business
Free guide to fraud prevention for Small to Medium
2) Software Testing & Information Quality
Software Testing SIG Feb 16 Steve Allott, Brian Lambert
Information Quality Forum Feb 23, Dublin
3) Search Engines get more assertive
We know what you searched last summer
Cloaking gets the dagger
SEO a weak case for standards
4) Spreadsheets
Spreadsheet Validation in FDA regulated industry
Spreadsheet Auditing for Free
Training course in spreadsheet auditing methodology
with Ray Butler
Spreadsheet Check and Control book applause
5) Off Topic
Free MIDI rehearsal line parts for choirs
19 Web links in this newsletter
January 2006
1) Risk & Security
Windows WMF Vulnerability - update available
Spam Attacked
'Rootkit' uprooted
2) Things noticed
Chance would be a find thing
Action Items
Google's Software Starter pack for consumers
3) Euro
Eypo, evro, eiro, ewro ...
4) Spreadsheets
ScanXLS updates due this month
Training courses booking for Feb 2006
Updates for Spreadsheet Check+Control book
5) Off Topic
Silly ideas and images
17 Web links in this newsletter
December 2005
1) Risk & Security
US Military removes Word documents from the Web?
2) ICT and Development
ICT for Poverty Reduction: Necessary but Insufficient
$100 laptop: hope or hype?
Jhai PC and Communication System
3) Euro
Preparations in the new EU member states adopting the euro
4) Spreadsheets
David Heiser's analysis of Excel statistics & mathematics
5) Off Topic
'Not Valid in Kansas' poster
'God's Debris' free ebook
13 Web links in this newsletter
November 2005 1) Risk & Security
Secret tracking codes in laser printers cracked
Security Awareness - survey and measurement
2) Quantitative Ecommerce
Amazon Sales Rank tracking and estimation
The Long Tail of markets
Used books, Amazon marketplace, special offers
3) European & Irish news
SoftTest Ireland half day conference software testing case
Irish subsidiary lets Microsoft slash taxes in U.S. and
Euro convergence
4) Spreadsheets
Training course in spreadsheet auditing methodology - Dublin,
'Spreadsheet Check and Control' book reviews
Free MS Office certification tests
SCANXLS listed on Microsoft Marketplace
5) Off Topic
Pakistan appeal
The laws of Murphy and others
Use MS Maps for your mileage allowance calculation 30 Web
links in this newsletter
October 2005
1) Risk & Security
How to break software security
Mail loop
2) IT quality
pPARs for the course in IT project oversight
3) Irish Computer Society
Events for October
4) Spreadsheets
Spreadsheet Check and Control - book launched
David Gainer's blog on the new Excel 12
5) Off Topic
Hippo, birdie, two ewes
14 Web links in this newsletter
September 2005
1) Risk & Security
Lessons from Hurricane Katrina
Global Security Week & Security Awareness
2) Software Testing
James Whittaker talks to SoftTest Ireland on Breaking Software Security
Cracking good books
3) Mobile Spammer fined
Fined for deceptive calls
4) Spreadsheets
Audit Course
Book Launch
5) Off Topic
Auction sites and academic studies
9 Web links in this newsletter
August 2005
1) Risk & Security
Companies unclear on credit-card security requirements
Hold off on ZoneAlarm 6.0 for a while
European Spreadsheet Risk Interest Group 2005
2) Spreadsheet Check and Control
Magazine and Journal Reviewers wanted
3) Training course in how to audit spreadsheets
4) Off Topic
Fun with numbers
7 Web links in this newsletter
July 2005
1) Risk & Security
40M Credit cards security breached
Indian call centre fraud
Forensic Acquisition Utilities
Bug Me Not
Passwords stronger than pAsSwOrD or 0qww294e
2) Tech stuff
PC remote control, remote desktop access
A telephone gizmo
3) Europe
UK Govt factsheets 'The euro: it's your business' updated
What the French and Dutch really think about the European Constitution
4) Spreadsheets
European Spreadsheet Risks Interest Group conference
Spreadsheet Check and Control book
Excel User Conference Sep 16-17, Fort Worth, Dallas, Texas
ScanXLS spreadsheet catalogue utility
5) Off Topic
Eudora time machine broken
Project Awry: a list of all the risks
19 web links in this newsletter
June 2005 1) Risk & Security
The watchdogs nod
2) Software Development and Testing
Agile & Evolutionary, rights and responsibilities of testers
Project Intelligence
CSE Software Engineer's Seminar Series at ICS 3) Eusprig 2005 Draft Programme
Register now! 4) Spreadsheet Check and Control
New book due September 2005 5) Off Topic
Spoofs 20 Web links in this newsletter
May 2005
1) Risk & Security
Spoof and mail list vulnerability
2) Spreadsheets
Best practice - range names?
3) Business
The publishing business
4) Off Topic
Universe to subatomic in powers of ten
15 Web links in this newsletter
April 2005
Risk & Security
Compliance: SOA, SOX, COSO, CobiT, ITGI, FDA, ODCE, FEE, SLAs, FLAs, TLAs...
2) Data quality
IQ conference presentations available 3) Search
Engine Optimisation
The not so obvious stuff 4) Spreadsheets
Course in Auditing Spreadsheets May 17-18 5) Off
April Firsts
24 Web links in this newsletter
March 2005
1) Risk & Security
New Information Quality Special Interest Network Launched
UK Public Virus Alert web site launched
Wanna be president of Microsoft?
The Weakest Link
2) Web researching
Test their Y!Q
3) Europe
EU Constitution newsletter
Cyberlaw: EU Law on Spam
4) Spreadsheets
Course on auditing spreadsheets, Salford, May 17-18
5) Off Topic
Philology and Numerology
16 Web links in this newsletter
Feb. 2005
1) Risk & Security
Microsoft AntiSpyware free beta
Spam or scam from
2) Software Quality
Bug collection
Yahoo Desktop Search (YDS)
3) Europe
EU to equip parents with internet safety tools
UK Draft Managed Transition Plan
Eurobarometer survey: "The Euro, 3 years later"
EU Eighth Directive on statutory audit
EU couldn't make it up (straight bananas etc)
4) Spreadsheets
Eusprig's 65 stories of embarrassing spreadsheet moments
ScanXLS spreads in the marketplace
5) Off Topic
Haugesund to Trondheim, the scenic route ;-)
How To Sleep in an Airport
22 Web links in this newsletter
Jan. 2005
1) Risk & Security
The Information System Security Assessment Framework Draft
Rice University computer scientists find a flaw in GDS
A chess-playing "bankomat"
Security Books
2) More Internet Tools
MSN desktop search
Google Suggest
Babelplex - searching in tongues
What's in those pesky Winmail.dat files?
3) Europe
UK Euro preparations updated Dec. 2004
TRY, try again...
4) Spreadsheet Quality
SCANXLS spreadsheet inventory utility now available
Spreadsheets with more than 256 columns?
5) Tsunami
21 Web links in this newsletter
Contents for 2003-2004 are at
Contents for 2000-2002 are at
You can receive this by email via YahooGroups:
Patrick O'Beirne
Copyright © 2000-2006 Systems Modelling Ltd. All rights reserved.
Revised: January 02, 2007