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Patrick O'Beirne, Editor
PraxIS Newsletter Archive 2000-2002
December 2002
The EBusiness of Email: my favourite
Software Testing
SoftTest Ireland conference December 16
Yahoogroups proliferate to discuss UK
euro preparations
BoE PIQ and CIPFA documents updated
BBC Quiz: How much do you know about the
Risk Management
New yahoogroup on Basel II Operational
Risk Management (ORM)
On the lighter side
Christmas Quiz
19 Web links in this newsletter
November 2002
Conference: "ICT and eWork @ work in Ireland" Nov 18-19
Internet access for developing countries
Warning on "greeting card" scam
Software Testing
SoftTest Ireland conference December 16
Euro and the UK
Report on euro-related speaking engagements in the UK
Economic arguments - pro and con
On the lighter side
A use for AOL CDs
13 Web links in this newsletter
October 2002
Book sales rank tracking service
Pet peeve - huge graphic logos embedded in attachments
Irish consortium bids to run .eu domain
Risk Management
Hide your email address on the web
The BugBear trojan
Linux sysadmins slapped
Word pilferage field protection: Hidden File Detector
Software Quality
Software Bugs articles from SQL Server magazine
Euro features
My upcoming presentations in the UK
The Five Tests for the UK
Not so Nice
CORDIS R&D weekly digest now available by e-mail
FEEDBACK requested on the Nice Treaty Referendum in Ireland
On the lighter side
Believe it or not
TLA Hunt
22 Web links in this newsletter
September 2002
To e or not to e?
Risk Management
Do you think "It couldn't happen to us" ?
Is Your Email List *Really* Secure?
The biggest Word 97 security hole yet?
Software Quality
SoftTest Ireland - new Software Testing SIG
European Spreadsheet Risks (EuSpRIG) Symposium, Dublin 2003
Extreme Spreadsheet Engineering (XSE)
Euro features
Euro coin swapping
Flash Eurobarometer 107: Entrepreneurship
EU Accounts, Accountants, Accountability, and Auditors
UK Euro information forums close
On the lighter side
Believe it or not - the Greek games
Murphy's Laws
25 Web links in this newsletter
Risk Management
EuSpRIG 2002 Symposium July 18/19 report
"Coping with IS/IT Risk Management" Book review
SoftTest Ireland - new Software Testing SIG
New CMMI Process Improvement YahooGroup
Euro features
Euro coins test for colour blindness
On the lighter side
Yahoo! mail twists your words
Lawyers with a sense of humour
13 Web links in this newsletter
Euro features
Eurobarometer no 57
UK firms should prepare for the euro
Dear little country
Euro cash and card payments cheaper
Online VAT validation
EuSpRIG 2002 Symposium July 18/19
Professional Ethics article
On the lighter side
PWC : that Monday feeling
The worst of the web
13 Web links in this newsletter
Internet features
EU Directive adopted - anti-spam?
Cumulative Patch for Internet Explorer - must get
Microsoft Releases Your Personal Hotmail Info
More Google features from their labs
Euro features
BoE: Practical Issues Arising from the Euro: May 2002
Town in Wales enters Eurozone
Risk Management
'Advance fee' fraudsters - let the games begin
On the lighter side
The worst of the web
Welsh place name pronunciation
26 Web links in this newsletter
Internet features
K L E Z spreads
MS Internet Explorer Security flaw exposed
More Enterprise Ireland Case studies
Euro features
A UK Software package that still doesn't
know about the euro
Irish Euro changeover took 8 days
European Commission reports that Euro
changeover a success
Europeans happier but not yet fully confident
with the Euro
Markets see UK Euro entry by 2005 as an even bet
UK Banks 'dangerously unprepared for early euro
Risk Management
Y2K: The malady lingers on
Too helpful system reveals personal identifying
15 Web links in this newsletter
April 2002
Internet features
Customer Service Case Study (Enterprise
Telecoms Council approves new '.eu' TLD (EUBusiness)
Euro features
Eurobarometer polls
Narrowing margin in UK euro polls (EUBusiness)
Risk Management
Allfirst / AIB and Spreadsheet risks
On the lighter side
8 Web links in this news
Euro features
Review of the introduction of euro notes and coins
FEE Survey results
Survey: diffusion of coins through the euro area
Allied Irish Banks: the Ludwig report
"Spreadsheet Roulette: The Hidden Corporate
7 Web links in this newsletter
Euro features
News: Goodbye to national currencies
Paper: " Britain’s best interests lie out of the
euro" (download)
Management issues
Review: Not moved by the cheese (download)
Personal Software Process
Email marketing opt in/out
News: XML Exploit
Off topic (personal) & light relief (humour)
13 Web links in this newsletter
Euro features
Goodbye to Euro-Impact
Free Euro Font check Utility
Euro trivia
Designer of the euro symbol revisited
Euro news items for Jan
Tech stuff
WinXP backup? Not!
From the news items
XML and E-Business initiatives
Uninvited: My Party
Project Management
17 Web links in this newsletter
January 2002
- the first week of the euro!
Euro features
UK shops accepting euro
Italian problems
Heads or Tails?
Would you like chips with that?
How to tell which country issued a euro bank note
Success has many fathers
Tech stuff
Are Your Passwords Secure?
Security Costs and Risks
Project Management
15 Web links in this newsletter
2001 update 10 Dec : a mid-month update as we get close to
the final days of old currency.
Pictures of euro coins of 15 currencies (download)
EU press releases and surveys (Europa)
Irish insurers help SMEs (AMUE)
Worries (FEE)
Bus and train fares in Ireland all to be rounded down (FT)
No consultants for euro symbol (FT)
What about legacy NCU cheques? (SBP)
Russian Central Bank confused about the euro? (Moscow Times)
The Euro & UK Business explanatory booklet from BASDA
Euro features
Update for Software Developers from BASDA London Dec 3,
A Technical keyboard tip
The Euro in the news - inflation, consumers, out-countries
Microsoft Passport & MCP risks
BadTrans and Goner
File Formats
18 Web
links in this newsletter
Euro features
Euro in the news
Printing the
euro symbol
examples of good euro practice
Update for Software
Developers from BASDA London 3-Dec
recommended for BASDA EMU Accreditation
SME Accounting package conversions: Sage,
Tech Stuff
CSE Annual Software Conference 13 Nov
Macro Security problem In MS Excel/PowerPoint
Windows XP - Xtra Problematic?
20 Web links in this newsletter
Bank Of England Official Prepares For The Euro
Euro price creep foiled
Rounding down, uncharitably ...
Thomas Cook takes EC to court over euro symbol
European Commission pages
"Euro Change" series on RTE radio 1
One in five small businesses will not be ready for the euro
No room for complacency about large companies' euro
The perils of euro software testing
The euro book
The Nimda worm
On the lighter side
20 Web links in this newsletter
We test euro converters for the GSA
The secrets of euro testing to be revealed
Test, test, then test again...
Euro banknote and coin features revealed
Euro price creep
Rounding down ... unfortunately
Unaware retailers
Price transparency?
Good ideas
Hope for Visa card users hit with surcharges
FEE Questionnaire ... please contribute
Techrepublic, Silicon, BusinessFinance sources
Spreadsheet best practices
On the lighter side
24 Web links in this newsletter
August 2001
Euro features
The Euro Trophies awards
Sybiz Vision passes our Euro tests
Forfás Euro converter passes our tests
Euro training resources
Euro Bank Transfer Fees
Did you know?
Internet and Information Security
Worms, Scams, and Code Red
Teoma - a new search engine
How not to make money on the Internet
How to make money on the Internet ;-)
Spreadsheet Risks Interest Group
On the lighter side
39 Web links in this newsletter
July 2001
Euro features
The secret of eurozone inflation?
The Mars Bar Index
The potential systemic pressures of the changeover
Eurobarometer survey May 2001
How to get the euro symbol in DOS
Information Security
Hackers deface European Commission site
Denial of Service attacks reported by Steve Gibson
On the lighter side
19 Web links in this newsletter
June 2001
Euro features
Testing, certification, and carefulness
Complaints on compliance
The big clean up
How to read a compliance survey
Double trouble
Euro counterfeiting detection workshop
Other euro sources
Information Security
The virus that wasn't.
On the lighter side
27 Web links in this newsletter
May 2001
Euro features
TAS Books Accounting euro converter for BASDA
EuroBarometer surveys: Attitudes to the EU
SME euro planning and preparation survey
Quarterly Review Of The Use Of The Euro Fourth Quarter 2000
Good practice to promote consumers' familiarity with the
Conference: How to handle the most difficult changeover
Euro Risk Management and Contingency planning
Europaper 42: EMU: The First Two Years
Media focus on software conversion assurances
Hackwatch reports more dot-bombs
Automated spam reporting
A free web site monitoring service
Information Security
Microsoft security fixes infected with FunLove virus
Software Quality
Manifesto for Agile Software Development
28 Web links in this newsletter
April 2001
Euro features
BASDA awards EMU accreditations
Legacy currency cross-border cheques best practice
FEE Euro conference Athens 3-5 May
Changing cash plans
The most difficult changeover problems
Euro rounding down
The Eurozone in action: changes and challenges
A single world currency?
Business Europe magazine "how to" guides
e-Marketplace difficulties
Information Security
PatchWork: A Tool to Test For Vulnerabilities
Unauthentic "Microsoft Corporation" Certificates
Software Quality
Testing Tales
Reservations about usability
28 Web links in this newsletter
March 2001
Euro features
BASDA approve SML as software tester for EMU
Caution on misuse of term "Conforms to BASDA" in
National Euro Conference Ireland Feb 19 2001
EUBusiness online workshop "Euro notes and coins"
Advice to accountants and auditors about the change to the
Euro Fit Campaign - Irish Exporters Association seminars
Children's Cent Candy Cash Churn
E-Business / Security
The Nigerian Fraud now in your email inbox
Software Quality
Controlling the Subversive Spreadsheet
On the lighter side
24 Web links in this newsletter
February 2001
Euro features
Notes and Coins - the whites of the eyes of the euro
The practical organisation of the changeover
EuroCalculus cash requirements calculator
Retailers fear the winter change
Bank of England gets answers to technical questions
Will prices go up as happened at UK decimalisation?
EUBusiness online workshop "Euro notes and coins"
Irish Chartered Accountants Euro Guide
Irish Computer Society Yearbook 2001 on the Euro
Operations Research and Decision Support in Ebiz
XBRL: eXtensible Business Reporting Language
Domain Games
Tech stuff
On the lighter side
32 Web links in this newsletter
January 2001
Farewell Y2K
21 resolutions for 2001
"Managing Change & Technology"
Euro features
Greece joins EMU
EU Enlargement
EMUbusiness newsletter
Information Security
Self protection 101
Dot-com deaths
Web site usability reviews
Free ebusiness video for Irish businesses
Software Quality Links
Tech stuff - essential utilities
On the lighter side
33 Web links in this newsletter
December 2000
Euro features
Seeing double
Report on 8th FEE Conference: Paris 13 - 14 November
A free service for your website visitors
Legal sources
Software Quality links
On the lighter side
21 Web links in this newsletter
Euro features
Our report on the IBAC "Euro phase C" presentation
by AIB
8th FEE Conference: Paris 13 - 14 November 2000.
Did you know?
Information Security
Sources: INFOSEC
Microsoft online break-in
The marketer's nightmare
e-Europe discussion transcript
Software Quality Events
Light Development Methodologies
"Software Productivity in a Changing World",
Tech stuff - file formats
On the lighter side
27 Web links in this newsletter
Euro features
8th FEE Conference: Paris 13 - 14
November 2000.
Europapers published in September
Danes reject euro membership
Information Security
Discussion lists
EUbusiness online discussion on e-Europe
Boo! - lessons learned
Dynamic pricing - how to save money at
Software Quality Events
EuroSPI ' 2000 European Software Process
Improvement, Copenhagen
Software Productivity in a Changing
World, Dublin
Cynics Unite
Pointers to skeptical commentators
27 Web links in this newsletter
- September 2000
- Euro features
Still time to enter Eurotrophies competition
Accounting and Financial Software Issues for SMEs
Why is database wrapping a 'dangerous IT solution'?
Glossary of EMU
Quarterly review of the use of the euro
Are you ready for the euro ? - a FEE survey
Information Security
COSAC 2000 11-14 Sep, Killarney
A free personal firewall
How to subscribe to the Risks-Forum Digest
Hack Watch - Eircom
Internet Features
E-Commerce and e-business
Web Site Design - Top Ten Mistakes and Usability
- August 2000
- Our Euro software package certification service
Error discovered in official guide euro calculation examples
A caution on Euro spreadsheet converters and a bonus for readers
New: the European Spreadsheet Risks Interest Group (EuSpRIG)
Information Security : who's spying on your downloads?
Y2K continues to bite!
- July 2000
- How to prevent SPAM
Euro Update
Not So Serious
- June 2000
- "Enterprises 2002" report from Brussels on how
SMEs can be assisted in the changeover to the euro.
Patrick O'Beirne
Copyright © 2000-2004 Systems Modelling Ltd. All rights reserved.
Revised: March 06, 2006