Euro zone legacy currency converter from Systems Modelling Ltd.

Click here for the new version of our Euro currency converter with the latest euro exchange rates updated from the European Central Bank (ECB) including the currencies of the new EU members, plus US dollar, UK Pound, etc.
This version shows the historical European currencies at their fixed euro rate
EURO Calculator 

Euro Belgian Franc
French Franc Dutch Florin/Guilder
Deutschmark Pound sterling
Irish Pound Danish Crown
Italian Lira Swedish Crown
Portuguese Escudo Spanish Pesetas
Austrian Schilling Finnish Mark
Greek drachma Slovenian Tolar
Cypriot Pound Maltese Lira
Estonian Kroon

Spreadsheet Check and Control : key techniques to detect and prevent errors
New book on how to detect and prevent spreadsheet errors


EURO Calculator (webversion) - Copyright (C) Pim van Mun - Developed by Pim van Mun - mun(at)wxs(dot)nl  

Our specialisation is in spreadsheet audit, testing, and model review.



Euro books from
Euro books from Amazon UK
 Most popular euro links on the web site:

 EMU: European Monetary Union - the general euro index page with a list of recommended books on the Euro
 Euro FAQ - answers questions on the technological challenges of euro transition
 Euro Software links : symbol, converters, calculators
 Euro and EMU Questions answered on EMU, economics, and the euro and web rings
 National Euro information links
largely historical but including UK

 General Euro Web links
non-country-specific web sites and the European Commission
 Euro Info: europapers, magazines, and other documents
Glossary, Euro-papers, Publications
 Euro Workshop: our course outline and speaking engagements on the euro
 BASDA Accreditation for euro conversion and our Euro Certification Testing services